jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Snow Day

At the end this influenza thing wasn’t that bad. I mean even if I fear the class suspension might go on until I won’t graduate in time, that’s unlikely and maybe it wouldn’t suck that much either. As long as I complained the whole forced-crappy-vacations I needed some time off to finish some projects.

It remembers me of that time in The Simpsons when Bart needs an extra day to study for his history exam after he procrastinated the whole thing over and over again. I had been begging god for a day or two (yes I know, apart from the 3 long weekends we’ve had this semester) to finish my thesis, and I damn the day I decided I wanted to do one because, shame on me, it is optional. I don’t even need that thing to get my degree but I felt like I needed to prove something to someone, what and who I’ll never know.

The point is that I started it exactly a year ago, went to Italy, did some research, came back, did some more, procrastinated for a couple of months, write something new, borrow books from the library, owe millions to the library from never bringing them back... it’s just a never ending vice.

But I guess God heard my prayers, after wasting most of the time due to influenza I found myself begging my ass off for a couple more days (just 2 or 3) last week to finish it. God must love me, A LOT, they cancelled this week as well and for the first time I used every free minute I had to work on it. I got my snow day and I made the most of it, I just finished it YAY!!!!

I can’t describe the feeling of self accomplishment I got but now I can relax and enjoy the rest of the ride, because I’m done!!!!!!!! I’m so happy.

Sorry Sofia because I made you wait a day and a half to start enjoying but its time!

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